Spotify provides artists with detailed listener habits and location information. The reason Minneapolis is getting passed up is because of tools like Spotify! I’ve now lived in 5 states all over the country, and here’s my take… It's more an unfortunate side effect of our geographic isolation than the fault of any one person in the scene - if I were on tour I wouldn't want to take a 6-hour detour from Chicago just for one show - but it sucks all the same because I'm not going to drive down to Chicago just to see a band. Time and time again, I've seen how bands on a cross-country tour will go from Denver to Omaha and then straight across to Chicago and ignore Minnesota entirely. I definitely appreciate all of those things, but I would say we really underperform in terms of enticing touring bands, particularly for more underground genres like punk, emo, metal, non-dance electronic music, etc. To give credit where it's due: the venues I've been to are all great, the local musicians all seem cool and are dedicated to building up a music culture here, and there are always several shows going on every night. As someone who is really into music and moved to the TC a few years ago, I have to say I've been a little disappointed with the live music scene here.